Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

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Microfinance Group

    We are empowering the caregivers of our students and other members of the community to find ways to financially meet all their family’s needs. We help establish self-reliance activities at family level.
    Currently we are a group of 38 members that participate in financing small loans at low interest rates to the group. With these loans they can expand their business and increase their income. They can become independent. We save the interest we get from these loans, 2.5 dollars each week. Between the microloans and small businesses development, we have given out almost 200 dollars worth of loans to women to start their business.

Skills training for Women

    Teaching caregivers basic sewing, beading and other handcrafting skills help them in supporting their families and become more independent.We make lovely, traditional jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces and earrings.
    We also make batik fabric ourselves, out of which we make laptop cases, bags and hats.
    In cooperation with volunteers we are able to sell these handmade products not only in Tanzania but all around the world.

If you would like to know more about this Program, Please Contact Us